Prolapsed Intervertebral Discs

PIVD  (Prolapsed Intervertebral Discs)

It is a commonly encountered clinical condition. The vertebral disc is either prolapsed, herniated, or intruded.  As we age discs dry out becoming more brittle causing changes in posture and function.

In more severe conditions, the disc can become herniated. Symptoms can range from localized pain to numbness, tingling, and muscle sprain. It can be caused by heavy manual labor, postural stretch, and Obesity.

Physiotherapy Management 

The majority of bulging and herniated discs can be treated conservatively by physical therapy. A thorough plan is created to relieve pressure on the disc by improving joint function muscle strength and posture. Modalities may be used to relieve pain, muscle spasms, or inflammation. In addition, we train with correct exercise to maintain good posture and reduce the risk of fractures.

Category: Conditions We Treat
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